Wednesday, 21 December 2011

SHORT STORY | 'Backstory' - Gettin' A Piece Of The Action

I've got this idea for a film screenplay, titled 'BackStory' with a tagline of: 'They haven't lost the plot. They just wanna be part of it'.

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

TURL TIMES | 'Harvest' Nearly Comes A Cropper

The theme for this edition is 'Dreams'. There was no trouble coming up with an idea for a story, but after 6 drafts I was no closer to having any idea what I was trying to say.

Monday, 19 December 2011

REVIEW | 'A Fistful of Scripts', Theatre Press

An evocative and illuminating evening of new theatre

By Jennifer Coles

REVIEWED by Theatre Press, 8th December 2011

Firstly, I’d like to applaud Wise Works Media and Theatreworks for an evening like this. A Fistful of Scripts was a collection of new works presented as table reads for the benefit of their writers

SCRIPT | Getting Killed On The Big Screen

Wanna know 'How To Kill Your Favourite Character'? Maybe you can skip the book and just watch the movie.

This project is shaping up as my homage to 'Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid' and 'Being John Malkovich' with a nod to 'Inception'.