Wednesday, 12 July 2017

PRODUCTION NEWS | Leatherdaddy (feature film) - Paris, France

Reports coming are coming in thick 'n fast from the Parisian set in France of Leatherdaddy. The feature film production is latest collaboration between Sean McIntyre (Callumy Films) and writer/director/producer Nicky Murphy (Rare Amazing Productions).
With the first four nights of shooting completed, everything is looking amazing. Dare we say Rare and Amazing? Why wouldn't it?

We've only sighted a VERY rough draft of some of the rushes from a couple of scenes - no sound or colour grade as yet. Even so, it's already very's clear Nick is already well on the way to delivering an outstanding film as his debut feature.

In French, with English subtitles no less. Stay tuned....
Leatherdaddy (2018)
An American exchange student who has pressing obligations with the immigration department get's stuck at a house party in Paris which she cannot leave.

Leatherdaddy (2018) - a new feature film from the creative team that brought you:
  1. Trail Mix (post-production) | trailer
Sean McIntyre and Nicholas Murphy | mutual projects to date include:
  1. Trail Mix (2016) (post-production)
  1. The Side Entrance (2013)

Friday, 3 June 2016

FILM | 'Monster Pies' Gets Monster Top 10 Thumbs Up In UK

In 2016, revered BFI (UK) has cited 'Monster Pies' by Melbourne director Lee Galea - with Sean McIntyre  playing 'Robert' - as one of 10 great Australian gay films.

Monster Pies (2013) 

Sunday, 22 May 2016

NEWS | THE CONTRACT - Update All Cast and Crew

MON 25 JULY 2016 | content update
Any feedback - good, bad, otherwise - welcome.
MON 25 JULY 2016 | content update
Met with Stephen Luby yesterday (Ruby Entertainment - re: producing: professional feedback/mentoring) on funding pitch doc for The Contract. Steve ran the emerging producers course at Open Channel I attended in 2013:
I'm pulling back on tasks/filming for the pitch and for the time being will be focusing solely on strategy and pitch docs strategy for The Contract and Projects in Development (13 titles) in the slate.

Thanks for all your input and feedback throughout to date. With the idea of the 'pre-CONTRACT', will dump this and as substitute will develop webseries around Melbourne Metro Underground Rail project - the shelf life and audience potential is far greater (went to a community forum on Tuesday night in St Kilda Rd).

The offer is always open re: filming and further chats about developing character and their storyline's if worth your time.

Message  29 May
So, for cast and crew of THE's time. If you'll excuse my normally mild-mannered
vernacular...shit is gettin' pretty real.

To update you on more developments - the majority that concern you all are summarised below. The main goal today is to provide you all the heads-up that THE CONTRACT already has two spin-off webseries up and just about running.

    • I need to meet all actors one-on-one across next 2 to 4 weeks. I'll email to setup day and time, coming to you if necessary.
  • Webseries
    • Participation as cast or crew is not mandatory - but welcome all the same
  • Alex - we'll chat on the phone again
  • Vas - thanks for heads-up on your o'seas travel plans
  • This project is 'live'. It is happening. I'm looking forward to discussing the vision for it with you all -crew too.
Too much to put in an email. See below for all details. Hope this update helps. As always....Any queries, do let me know.


Message  MON 25 JULY 2016
Content below is current as of MON 25 JUL - info only this page for:
List of individual locations:


See NEWS | THE CONTRACT - Update All Cast and Crew for all other info
  • CAST
  • CREW
  • LOCATION SCOUT -Construction Site
 Any feedback - good, bad, otherwise - welcome.
  1. LOCATION SCOUT - Boardroom
  2. LOCATION SCOUT - Boardroom
  3. LOCATION SCOUT - Boardroom
  4. LOCATION SCOUT - Boardroom
  5. LOCATION SCOUT - Boardroom
  6. LOCATION SCOUT - Boardroom

Friday, 13 May 2016

FILM | New Poster Announces Intergalactic Premiere of Daniel Armstrong's 'SHEBORG MASSACRE'

SHEBORG MASSACRE'S INTERGALACTIC PREMIERE crash lands to Earth on July 4th 2016 in Melbourne (Australia) -  exactly one year from the first day of shooting.

In conjunction with the announcement of the film’s premiere Strongman Pictures have also unveiled, for the first time, the official SHEBORG MASSACRE poster by Tom Hodge, The Dude Designs. The artwork has a retro sensibility, drawing on the style of B movie science fiction VHS box shots from the 80s (artwork below).

This news is so fresh, actor Sean McIntyre​ hasn't even had time to draft his own media release.

As the flame throwin' 'Mayor Jack Whiteman', Sean spent a lot of time on the shoot watching other people doing stunts and getting covered in goo.

Let's not split hairs - he's still trying to work out how to turn off the frickin' flame-thrower.