MON 25 JULY 2016 | content update
- LOCATION SCOUT - Boardroom
- LOCATION SCOUT - Construction Site
- PROJECT: WATERMAN | All episodes
MON 25 JULY 2016 | content update
Met with Stephen Luby yesterday (Ruby Entertainment - re: producing: professional feedback/mentoring) on funding pitch doc for The Contract. Steve ran the emerging producers course at Open Channel I attended in 2013:
I'm pulling back on tasks/filming for the pitch and for the time being will be focusing solely on strategy and pitch docs strategy for The Contract and Projects in Development (13 titles) in the slate.
Thanks for all your input and feedback throughout to date. With the idea of the 'pre-CONTRACT', will dump this and as substitute will develop webseries around Melbourne Metro Underground Rail project - the shelf life and audience potential is far greater (went to a community forum on Tuesday night in St Kilda Rd).
The offer is always open re: filming and further chats about developing character and their storyline's if worth your time.
Message 29 May
So, for cast and crew of THE's time. If you'll excuse my normally mild-mannered
vernacular...shit is gettin' pretty real.
To update you on more developments - the majority that concern you all are summarised below. The main goal today is to provide you all the heads-up that THE CONTRACT already has two spin-off webseries up and just about running.
- I need to meet all actors one-on-one across next 2 to 4 weeks. I'll email to setup day and time, coming to you if necessary.
- Webseries
- Participation as cast or crew is not mandatory - but welcome all the same
- Alex - we'll chat on the phone again
- Vas - thanks for heads-up on your o'seas travel plans
- This project is 'live'. It is happening. I'm looking forward to discussing the vision for it with you all -crew too.
The Contract
re: webseries - despite news below, the aim and primary target always remains The Contract - the news being:
- Script
- will be updated to now include:
- Whistleblower character (anonymous and unseen)
- WHY: my good friend is married to a bobcat driver (yes, I forgot this). By arranging to have assets and land available, no filming is likely to be required at all on construction sites
- I will send when re-drafted. It is not a priority as it doesn't really affect anyone but me.
- Plot
- to be tweaked to add anonymous, unseen WHISTLEBLOWER character element
- each character in 10 minute pitch script may/may not receive anonymous envelopes full of 6 to 8 glossy A4 images from construction sites implying blackmail.
- Shoot strategy
- realising my crappy digital actually takes decent video, I seem to be able to compose decent hand-held shots (see Project: Waterman - spec pilot tester_Webseries)
- Don't worry about quality of footage - it's exactly the type of undercover, spy-like footage a real whistleblower would take...for our low-budget 'think outside the box' production works...
- I will now shoot 'WHISTLEBLOWER footage' and keep/include WATERMAN'S impromptu media conference footage.
- Location
- the above now means I can focus solely and only on acquiring a boardroom
- Publicist
- Wise Words Media has up to 7 media releases to be pitched, released and distributed to media and trade media during 2016 to 2017. It's time for me to outsource to an expert professional (and stop pretending to be one...)
- will free up my time management to other tasks to focus on you guys more and what you all need
- Next week I hope to engage a publicist - Bronny Lane at Little Train PR & Marketing - who works with Red Rock Pictures, our mutual connection being:
- Please be aware that there will be a lot to do in pre-production:
- Costume tests
- Sound tests
- rehearsals
- All tech crew are aware that your performances are the central strategy.
- Please let me allay any concerns as to the technical aspects. Camera, sound and lighting - everything will rotate around you, not the other way around.
- Screen Producers Association
- will be joining SPA next 2 to 4 weeks
- Production Team - experience 5 to 8 years more than me to fill knowledge gaps
- still looking to recruit / add
- Producer or co-producer
- Production Manager
- 1st AD
- Vision
- TV series in 3 seasons x 6 part episodes each
- season one | Melbourne
- season two | National - Melbourne and Sydney
- season three | international - Melbourne, Sydney, China, Hong Kong, India and Sth East Asia
- The theme of the storytelling is survival - what human dynamics come into play when people act to save their own skin. STM Asia Pacific is ‘the Titanic', the Boardroom is the ‘lifeboat', the ‘storm of the century’ is the iceberg... what happens next?
- The Contract will be filmed in 2016 or 2017 as a 10 to 15 minute pilot excerpt to be pitched to ABC TV and also development producers and established producers of previous ABC TV television series. The final product objective: 6-part TV series, with opportunities in the story-line to extend out to 3 seasons.
- In terms of ‘look and feel, ‘The Contract’ is similar to ‘MDA’, ‘Bastard Boys’, ‘Janus’ and ‘G.P’. It also references Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘Lifeboat’, James Cameron’s ‘Titanic’ and ’12 Angry Men’.
Webseries – prequel spin-offs
1. The Contract:
Project: Waterman (2016) (filming)
Branded Content Strategy - build audience awareness in target market audiences
Branded Content Strategy - build audience awareness in target market audiences
Meet Waterman from STM Asia Pacific Construction...'The
- 'The Contract': 'Pre-Contract' (pre-production)
- 'Pre-Contract' is a webseries, spin-off/prequel to Sean McIntyre's pitch pilot: 'The Contract'.
- It's sole purpose is to act as another unique way to introduce characters from 'The Contract' to development producers of content for an ABC TV series.
- With 20 characters, 8 to 10 episodes of 4 to 10 minutes each will revolve around MASTON - Senior Political Journalist for The Australian:
- original cast per script reading
- new cast per recent interviews and casting of MASTON
- Using a one man camera crew, MASTON will interview one character at a time, with two characters presented in each episode - possibly from the couches of the Mezzanine level, Victoria Hotel in Melbourne, Australia.
- In a 90 to 120 sec chat to camera in an interview setting, It will prove a great way to build in the new cast and give the viewers - ie development producers - that 'expansive feel' while still maintaining a low - maintenance, cost-effective execution in it's production style too.
- 'Roadside'
- Sample filming and i'view style, I've uploaded to Vimeo a little short I did a while back: 'Roadside'.
- Please do not share - not my work and he hasn't even got it on his website.
- | pword: kane
- 'Pre-Contract' is a webseries, spin-off/prequel to Sean McIntyre's pitch pilot: 'The Contract'.
- It's sole purpose is to act as another unique way to introduce characters from 'The Contract' to development producers of content for an ABC TV series.
- With 20 characters, 8 to 10 episodes of 4 to 10 minutes each will revolve around MASTON - Senior Political Journalist for The Australian.
- Using a one man camera crew, MASTON will interview one character at a time, with two characters presented in each episode - possibly from the couches of the Mezzanine level, Victoria Hotel in Melbourne, Australia.
- Say....90 sec to 5 mins chat to camera in an interview setting, It will prove a great way to build in the new cast and give the viewers - ie development producers - that 'expansive feel' while still maintaining a low - maintenance, cost-effective execution in it's production style too.
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