Friday, 10 September 2010

POST OXFORD | I Know What You All Did Last Summer

You may or may not recall that I posted my copy of our anthology home to Oz the moment I got it. I had to wait nearly 2 weeks to read it!! And of course it was worth the wait - I've been reading it most days on the train to and from work. I simply had to take the opportunity to say -- you all rock.

I've been back in Melbourne 2 weeks and all I can think about is plot, short stories,
writing, you guys, film scripts, autobio, poetry, fiction, narrative, you guys,
narrative, 20 min power writing sessions, you guys and how much fun I had at Exeter. And you guys. I miss your creativity and the stimulation you brought on so many levels. I know what you all did last summer and I'm really thrilled to have been a part of it.

As some of you know, I've also succumbed to the dark side... I got me a face full of
facebook and I've had a grin from ear-to-ear ever since seeing you again in all your
online glory at our group page.

On the subject of writing, I wanted to share some news with you all about my short play
script 'A Kind Of Destiny'. It's got the juicy premise of Judas telling Jesus he doesn't want to dob him in. I was kinda hoping that it had made the 2010 shortlist this week for the biggest short play festival in the world: Short and Sweet, Melbourne and Sydney. No announcement hit my in-box on Sept 6 so I guess it didn't get in.

BUT! I just discovered today that a little short film I had a role in last November made a film festival here in Melbourne so pretty chuffed about that. It's called 'Everybody Wants To Be Unique'.

I've got a stack of tasks ahead for another script reading in mid October I'm producing. Think of it as like an open mic night except in a theatre on a Saturday afternoon. If only you could be there. I've got a short film script and a 10 minute play both having 'staged readings'.

I close with a possible short story topic: the world famous Melbourne Writer's Festival is running here this week. Last weekend I pictured you all jetsetting into town - to mill again as one - to launch a future edition of 'On The Grass', all accompanied by loud applause and green carpet, during our Open Mic Night session (a sell-out event, naturally). Although I'm not sure that you'll all fit into my one bed apartment. Maybe we could rent a house. An outhouse, even? Is 2012 good for you?

I hope you're all well, arrived home safely and are cooking up creative storms. Looking forward to sampling the menu.


1 comment:

  1. I know, I too couldn't wait to read what my fellow colleagues penned. Each page was one surprise after the other.

    Bdw Sean, your blog rocks!
