Saturday, 9 April 2011

EXTRA LIFE | 'This Is Them'...With A Little Bit Of Me

Melbourne Metro brings to life it's traveling public. 10 hours of filming on our own train set - just goes to show! um....something...

Wanna play Spot The Extra?

I've been a little remiss of late about my Extra Life. Since I was 'let go' by my recent employer, I've landed two gigs on 'Offspring' as well as a gig on this TV campaign for METRO: 'This Is Me'.

It was a 10 hour call for an entire Saturday with a 6am start, with about 40 -50 extras and a crew that looked fit to film a sequel to 'The Pacific'. As always you had to supply your own costume. After 2 years of having an agent and now with some short films, feature films, TV and TVC's behind me, I think it is simply hilarious that my entire wardrobe can be seen on screen. Not great viewing especially given the limited range of my closet. But I digress...

In the 'Courtney' ad, I'm quite prominent and recognisable at the end for a good 3
seconds. I've instructed my agent (que toffy accent) to enquire about an additional rate 'upgrade' in addition to the original payment for the gig. Unintentionally, they also filmed me with my back to camera getting on the train as 'Courtney' is exiting it and then appear walking alongside him in the opposite direction....quite funny.

It was a lot of fun and learned a lot. Am completely obscured and hidden down the back as a Bulldogs supporter in the other one.

The 'Offspring' gig's were also good value. In fact the first one for the year was on Valentine's day, so I got to have a 'date' at a cafe. Funny thing was my 'partner' didn't seem interested in acting - she just wanted to talk as if we were just having a normal coffee surrounded by a film crew.

The second gig was the best fun yet I have had on a set. The other extras were all very lively and intelligent. It was a night time dinner scene set set in an inner city pub filmed at the height of the afternoon.

Paired with a lady about 15 years older than me, it was too big a stretch for me to 'pretend' we were a couple. So I devised a backstory that she was a famous author and I was her publisher having dinner to hear the pitch for her latest novel. She assumed the demeanor of Jackie Collins and we proceeded to have a robust discussion about her next novel.

Long tired of the bodice rippers that had made her successful, we laid out the plans for her next novel about 'Sydney - The Gay Budgerigar'.

It is truly a hilarious story and I've already started writing it.

ABOUT METRO campaign | 'This is me' - Courtney
A TV, cinema, print, outdoor and digital campaign created by McCann Melbourne for Metro Trains, portraying its everyday customers as the life and soul of Melbourne's … read morepublic transport system. The campaign focuses on the interesting stories of the hundreds of thousands of people that travel on Metro Trains every day.

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