Wednesday, 15 June 2011

EXTRA LIFE | Beware The Crazy Woman - Part I

My ‘RUSH’ING to be placed on hold brought me face-to-face with....

So I arrived on set and learned that I was the ‘PA to the Police Minister’. Nice one! We were filming in Melbourne’s beautiful old Treasury building that used to house the state treasury.

I was instructed as follows: “You’re in the Ministers office and been given word that a ‘crazy woman’ has got through security. You are to rush out to stop her but she will get past you”. Not really much to go on, so I wound myself up into to a fit of ‘bloody hell, what now?....’ mindset.


I flew around the corner only to find myself rapidly approaching the star of the show who was storming down the corridor at me! Basically we spent the next two hours trading ‘death stares’ with each other.

She wasn’t overly chatty between takes which was handy. It helped me create a character to the point I spent most of my time drilling holes into the back of her head with my eyes each take, based on pure exasperation at her character making me look bad in front of my ‘boss’.

My second visit to the set of RUSH was a bigger success than my first. On that occasion I was a forensic agent and managed to rip one of the special gloves they gave me just before ACTION...

RUSH | Season 4 Episode 1....if look very carefully you'll see me around 3 min 34 sec mark as Police Minister's secretary. It's not my voice, they ADR'd me....


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